
Die Zukunft der Hydration: Wasserstoffwassergeräte

Entdecken Sie die Zukunft der Hydration mit Wasserstoffwassergeräten. Erfahren Sie mehr über die Vorteile und wie Sie Ihre Gesundheit verbessern können.

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Уреди за водородна вода: Какво трябва да знаем?

Открийте ползите от водородната вода при хора в напреднала възраст. Научете как тези устройства могат да подобрят здравето ви и как да изберете подходящия уред за вашите нужди.

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Wasserstoffwasser vs. Alkalisches Wasser: Was ist der Unterschied?

Entdecken Sie den Unterschied zwischen Wasserstoffwasser und alkalischem Wasser. Erfahren Sie, wie Wasserstoffwasser Ihre Gesundheit verbessern kann und warum es die bessere Wahl ist.

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Die Vorteile von Wasserstoffwasser für die Verdauungsgesundheit

Entdecken Sie die Vorteile von Wasserstoffwasser für die Verdauungsgesundheit und erfahren Sie, wie es Ihren Körper stärken kann. Lesen Sie unseren umfassenden Leitfaden und erfahren Sie mehr über die Wirkung von Wasserstoffwasser auf die Gesundheit.

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Die Rolle von Wasserstoffwasser im Anti-Aging

Entdecken Sie die Rolle von Wasserstoffwasser im Anti-Aging und wie es Ihre Gesundheit und Jugendlichkeit fördern kann. Erfahren Sie mehr über die wissenschaftlichen Hintergründe und die Vorteile von Wasserstoffwasser.

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Die Vorteile von Wasserstoffwasser für die Hautgesundheit

Entdecken Sie die Vorteile von Wasserstoffwasser für die Hautgesundheit. Erfahren Sie, wie Wasserstoffwasser Ihre Haut strahlen lässt und Ihre Gesundheit verbessert. Lesen Sie unseren Artikel, um mehr zu erfahren.

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Die Auswirkungen von Wasserstoffwasser auf oxidativen Stress

Entdecken Sie die Auswirkungen von Wasserstoffwasser auf oxidativen Stress und wie es Ihre Gesundheit verbessern kann. Lesen Sie mehr über die wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnisse und die Vorteile von Wasserstoffwasser.

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Intake of HYDROGEN WATER in patients with COVID-19. What does the President of the Institute for Molecular Hydrogen say?

Molecular hydrogen (H2 gas) and water enriched with it have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects (1), making them potentially useful for treating COVID-19. Several clinical trials in China are investigating H2 therapy in patients with COVID-19

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10 health benefits of taking HYDROGEN WATER.

In recent years, more than 800 clinical studies have been done on patients in various hospitals and universities around the world. The therapeutic effect of H2 has been shown in over 170 types of diseases and its healing effect on every organ of the human body. In this article we will summarize: What does hydrogen water do for health?

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Hydrogen water is a powerful remedy for ACID REFLUX, GASTRITE and excessive oxidation of the body.

In summary: treatment with hydrogen water + medication, for 3 months, gave significantly better symptom control than treatment with medication alone. Finally, in our study, 75% of surveyed patients reported an improved level of satisfaction. Taken together, the results showed that there was a significant increase in quality of life at 3 months after the added intake of hydrogen water compared to baseline.

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Intake of HYDROGEN WATER for cardiovascular diseases. Effect and safety.

The results of the research of the Japanese professor Hatana Gyazuki from the University show that 1.5 liters of hydrogen water with a concentration of H2 1500 ppb has the same antioxidant effect as 1407 apples / 104 carrots / 2061 bananas / 123 spinach or 10 pumpkins. The comparison is made based on the antioxidant power of beta carotene content in these fruits and vegetables.

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OVERWEIGHT: A medical study shows the effect of HYDROGEN WATER in people with metabolic syndrome.

"The group drinking highly H2-saturated water significantly reduced blood cholesterol and glucose levels, attenuated serum hemoglobin A1c, and improved biomarkers of inflammation..."

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RESEARCH: Hydrogen - the fuel of alternative medicine.

"A small randomized controlled clinical trial of 50 patients with cerebral infarction compared hydrogen inhalation with the approved medical drug edaravone. According to MRI and NIHSS results for clinical determination of stroke severity, these results show that hydrogen therapy was more effective than the approved medical drug.''

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What is HYDROGEN WATER and what makes the apparatuses for it different in price and quality?

„Изследванията показват, че малкият размер му позволява да проникне навсякъде, дори в клетъчното ядро и митохондриите. Н2 потушава възпаленията и възстановява увреденото ДНК и РНК, регулира всички биохимични процеси в клетката и довежда организма до състояние на хомеостаза. “

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