Frequently asked questions about HYDROGEN WATER.

Frequently asked questions about HYDROGEN WATER.
9 June 2021

Bulgaria has undoubtedly become a country where the interest in hydrogen therapy and hydrogen water intake is growing rapidly. As a leader in the distribution of quality medical hydrogen water devices, the H2MEDICAL team has prepared this article in response to the many questions we have received. The presence of false or misleading information on the internet makes us unsure of what is good or bad, and what is true or false. Although not very brief, our post has tried to answer all your questions. It turns out that the misleading description of some appliances leads many people to confuse Alkaline Water Ionizers with Hydrogen Gas Water Enrichment Generators. We note that the presence of a large amount of hydrogen ions (H with a "-" or "+" sign) in water does NOT make it rich in hydrogen gas (H2), but simply alkaline or acidic. The intake method, the choice of the device and the differences in the quality of the devices also raise many questions for each of us. For this, let us now "dig" into the subject.  

What is hydrogen water

Hydrogen water or hydrogen-rich water (also called hydrogen-enriched water) means water (H2O) that contains dissolved hydrogen gas (H2). For example, there are carbonated waters or beverages (sodas) that contain dissolved carbon dioxide gas (CO2) or oxygenated water that contains dissolved oxygen gas (O2). Similarly, you can have water that contains dissolved hydrogen gas. 

Doesn't water already have hydrogen in it because it is H2O? 

A water molecule has two hydrogen atoms chemically bonded to an oxygen atom. This differs from the hydrogen gas molecule (H2), which is just two hydrogen atoms bonded together. H2O and H2 are two different molecules. 

Here's an example: we need oxygen (O2) to breathe and live, so why can't we just get oxygen from drinking H2O water? This is because oxygen is chemically bound in the water molecule. We need available oxygen gas (O2) that is not bound to other atoms or molecules. Similarly, for dissolved hydrogen gas (H2) to be of any use to us, it must be in an unbound form, as a single molecule, to be of therapeutic use. 

When were the therapeutic benefits of hydrogen first discovered? 

The earliest record of the use of hydrogen gas for therapeutic purposes is from 1798, as an anti-inflammatory. But this was not a popular topic among scientists until 2007, when an article on the benefits of hydrogen was published in the prestigious journal Nature Medicine by Dr. Ohta's research group. 

I thought if water was "rich in hydrogen", then it must be acidic? 

Great question! If water is rich in positive hydrogen ions (H+), then it IS acidic. But in this case we are talking about water enriched in neutral hydrogen gas (H2), which is two hydrogen atoms bonded together. We are not talking about water with positively or negatively charged hydrogen ions (acidic and alkaline water). 

The charge of the hydrogen ions determines the pH of the water. But the presence of more negatively or positively charged hydrogen ions does not make water rich in hydrogen gas. When we say "hydrogen water", we mean dihydrogen or molecular hydrogen, which is a neutral gas dissolved in water.

I have read that if hydrogen is added to water then it makes hydrogen peroxide (peroxide)? 

Water has the chemical formula H2O, and hydrogen peroxide has the chemical formula H2O2, which by comparison contains extra oxygen, not hydrogen. So, it can't actually form hydrogen peroxide. The fact is that hydrogen gas does not bind to or react with water molecules and simply dissolves in water, then evaporates. It doesn't create some new molecule like H4O, which would actually be chemically impossible to form. Therefore, hydrogen water and hydrogen peroxide are completely different substances. 

Wouldn't the dissolved hydrogen gas come out of the water? 

Yes, it immediately begins to come out (evaporate) of the water, but it does not immediately disappear. Depending on the surface, temperature, etc., hydrogen gas may remain in the water for 1-2 hours or more before dropping below a therapeutic level. H2 water is very much like soda water or soda, which contain carbon dioxide (CO2) gas. Because of the evaporation of hydrogen gas, it is best to drink the water immediately before it becomes plain water. 

Isn't hydrogen gas explosive? 

Yes, hydrogen gas is VERY explosive. Hydrogen is the most energy dense molecule by mass. But when the gas is dissolved in water, it is not explosive at all, just as if you mixed gunpowder with water, it would not be explosive either. Even when in air, hydrogen is only flammable above 4.6% concentration, which is no cause for concern when talking about hydrogen-rich water.


Is hydrogen safe?

Yeah. Hydrogen gas has been shown to be medically safe at concentrations much higher than those used for therapy. A good example of its safety is that hydrogen gas has been used in deep-sea diving since 1943 (at very high concentrations) to prevent decompression sickness. Studies show no toxic effects from hydrogen at very high levels and pressures of 98.87% H2 and 1.26% O2 at 19.1 atm. 

In addition, hydrogen gas is natural to the body, as our gut bacteria produce hydrogen gas after eating fiber-rich foods (which is another benefit of eating fruits and vegetables). In short, hydrogen gas is a natural element for the body.  

What is the pH of hydrogen water? 

Depending on the quality of the water source, the pH can range from 7.5-8.5. Enriching water with hydrogen gas raises the pH of the water by half a unit, making the water slightly alkaline. 

Don't we get H₂ when we drink H₂O? 

Everything contains hydrogen. It is the most abundant element in the universe. However, hydrogen is usually bound to other atoms and molecules and is therefore not available as H2 gas. 

Just as we don't get oxygen from H2O, we don't get H2 from water. This is because the H2 and O2 in H20 are not available as they are chemically bound to the water molecule. When used therapeutically, hydrogen gas dissolves in water into its molecular form H2. 

Why is hydrogen water intake recommended? 

Hydrogen is the most powerful and effective antioxidant that helps neutralize free radicals and reduce oxidative stress, the cause of most diseases and premature aging. It is the smallest element in the universe and penetrates parts of the body where other antioxidants cannot reach, such as neurons, mitochondria and cell nuclei. Taken dissolved in water, H2 diffuses very quickly into our tissues and organs, and quells inflammatory processes throughout the body

Does hydrogen water taste different from normal water? 

Hydrogen water has a mild and pleasant taste like any other spring water from a quality water source. 

Since hydrogen gas is very volatile, how can it remain dissolved in water long enough to produce a therapeutic effect? 

Just as carbonated beverages begin to lose their bubbles of carbon dioxide (CO2), so the H2 molecules gradually come out immediately. It takes 1-3 hours for all the dissolved H2 molecules to evaporate from the water. For best results, water enriched with hydrogen gas should be consumed as soon as possible. Its intake on an empty stomach and between meals is most effective, because when we eat the stomach temperature rises and we exhale the precious H2 more easily.  

Which hydrogen water appliances are effective? 

Be careful in your choice! The technical data of an appliance is only reliable if it has the necessary certification. Make sure it has one. On the Internet, anyone can write anything.  

Do not confuse Alkaline Water Ionizers with Hydrogen Gas Water Enrichment Generators. The presence of a large amount of hydrogen ions (H with a "-" or "+" sign) in the water does NOT make it rich in hydrogen gas (H2), just alkaline or acidic. It is common to find Alkaline Water Ionizers predominantly represented as hydrogen water appliances.  

Pay attention to the performance of your appliance stated in its service documents, not by its description on the internet. The more H2 molecules dissolved in the water, the greater the therapeutic effect. Appliances with nano electrolysis technology generate the maximum amount of hydrogen gas in water 6000-9000 ppb. Nano technology also guarantees the longest retention of hydrogen gas in the water (5-6 hours). 

Which hydrogen water devices are safe?  

Good H2 water appliances bring us health, while those of questionable quality can do hidden harm to the body. It is recommended that the apparatus has medical certification. Having a DuPont Ion Membrane guarantees you the highest quality and 100% pure hydrogen water free of ozone and residual chlorine.  

What are the potential benefits of taking hydrogen water? 

Documented public data from hundreds of studies show that molecular hydrogen has the potential to improve athletic performance and recovery, energy levels, jet lag, hangovers, slow aging, for allergies, skin irritation, inflammation and chronic diseases such as cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular, neurological, pulmonary and more. Hydrogen water intake has been proven to be an effective antioxidant therapy with broad therapeutic effects. 

When will I start noticing the effects of hydrogen water? 

Right from the start, you'll notice that you have more energy, better hydration, improved general well-being, better digestion, and more quality rest. You will notice more serious improvements in your health after a few months when you have significantly lowered your oxidative stress levels.  

Can hydrogen water help me lose weight? 

The body refuses to convert food into energy when oxidation levels are high because burning fat causes even more oxidation. The antioxidant power of hydrogen water helps us to reduce oxidation levels, allowing the metabolism to transform fat into energy. Hydrogen gas has been found to stop the formation of visceral adipose tissue. However, the body never loses fat deposits unless we burn more calories than we consume. 

Is it possible to experience an excessive antioxidant effect by taking hydrogen water? 

Taking very large amounts of antioxidants such as vitamin C, E, A, etc. can also have negative consequences for the body, as there are free radicals that we need and should not waste.  Hydrogen gas is the only antioxidant that has selective ability and eliminates only hydroxyl radicals dangerous to health. This makes it unique and highly effective. H2 does not accumulate in the body and is exhaled if not needed by our cells. 

Can babies, pregnant women and the elderly drink hydrogen water? 

Yes. The scientific data gathered from research points to hydrogen as 100% safe for health. It has no side effects, no contraindications and can be taken with any drug therapy.  

How much hydrogen water should I drink per day? 

You can replace your regular water intake entirely with hydrogen water, i.e. 2-3 litres per day. Note that it is not the volume of water taken that is important for obtaining a therapeutic effect, but the amount of hydrogen gas dissolved in it. Choose an appliance that has a high hydrogen gas capacity, as well as the necessary level of safety. 

Where are KYK brand hydrogen water devices manufactured? 

They have been manufactured in South Korea since 1980 and hold over 100 international quality awards as well as ISO13485 and GMP (International Standards in the Manufacture and Safety of Medical Equipment) medical certification. KYK company uses the most advanced technology from Japan and South Korea. These two countries are leaders in the field of water enrichment with hydrogen gas and the application of Hydrogen Medicine. 

We hope this article has been useful to you! In conclusion, we would like to reiterate that good hydrogen water devices bring us health, while those of questionable quality can cause hidden harm to the body. We are proud of the fact that we have raised the level of quality high by becoming a distributor of MEDICAL HYDROGEN WATER DEVICES with the highest level of efficiency and safety. /link/  


Find out which are the Hydrogen Tolerant Diseases in the menu HYDROGEN MEDICINE./LINK/

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