The first scientific article on the therapeutic effect of molecular hydrogen (H2) was published in 2007 in the world-famous medical journal Nature Medicine, where it was described as a powerful and selective antioxidant that significantly reduces cytotoxic free radicals. Today, 13 years later, more than 800 clinical studies of hydrogen have been conducted in hospitals and universities around the world, showing its healing effects in more than 170 types of diseases, as well as healing effects on every organ of the human body.

But to clarify: We are not talking about hydrogen (H) as part of the water molecule, but about molecular hydrogen (H2) as a separate element in the form of a gas. In fact, studies have shown that beneficial bacteria in our gut flora, enzymes, and certain nutrients have been synthesizing hydrogen gas in our bodies since we have existed. Our lifestyles have resulted in consistently low levels of the all-important H2, which research in recent years has shown to be a critically important and beneficial element for our health.


The information on the therapeutic effects of hydrogen is taken from the website of the Institute of Molecular Hydrogen /link/.


What does hydrogen water do in our body? Clinical studies of molecular hydrogen (H2) show:

The hydrogen gas molecule (H2) is only 2 microns and seamlessly crosses the blood-brain barrier, penetrates nerve cells, mitochondria and the cell nucleus itself.H2 is the most powerful and effective antioxidant yet discovered. It possesses a unique selective ability - it binds to and neutralizes only health-dangerous free radicals, especially hydroxyl radicals.
H2 acts as a signalling molecule and a central regulator of biochemical processes in the cell. H2 brings the body to a state of homeostasis.
H2 quells inflammation throughout the body and repairs damaged cells and DNA.
H2 significantly improves glucose tolerance, lipid metabolism, cholesterol levels and reduces visceral adipose tissue production.
H2 provides energy and endurance by increasing the production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) in the mitochondria and reduces muscle fatigue by significantly reducing the release of lactate into the blood during exercise.
H2 acts synergistically with drug therapy, protecting the body from the harmful side effects of drugs. H2 improves the quality of life in patients on chemotherapy and radiotherapy.
H2 has no toxicity. No negative side effects or accumulation in the body have been found as a result of long-term intake of large doses of H2.


Why does molecular hydrogen/hydrogen gas (H2) have healing and therapeutic effects?

To understand the power of molecular hydrogen we must first mention: what are free radicals and what do they do in the human body? By breathing and eating, we are constantly oxidizing ourselves. 2-3% of the oxygen we breathe in forms free radicals. Exertion and stressful daily life are also a major factor in their occurrence. Many of them are extremely toxic and dangerous to our health. They damage the cell membrane and kill cells, damage tissues, organs, our RNA and DNA, and so cause inflammation of all kinds, leading to serious diseases such as cancer, diabetes, Parkinson's, etc. Hydrogen happens to be that magic element that maintains a balance in our body between oxidative stress and its radication. A list of hydrogen-tolerant diseases can be found in the menu HYDROGEN MEDICINE/link/


Doctors and researchers around the world are impressed by the action of hydrogen gas. Clinical studies that began in 2007 show several key facts:

Hydrogen gas is the smallest element (its molecule is only 2 microns) and as such has the ability to penetrate everywhere in our body where other antioxidants such as vitamin C, E, etc. cannot. It easily crosses the blood-brain barrier, reaches nerve cells, even mitochondria and the cell nucleus inside the cells themselves. This is where the free radicals that are toxic to us are formed. Hydrogen binds to them and turns them into ordinary water, which we dispose of naturally.


Hydrogen gas is the most powerful antioxidant and the only one that has selective ability. What makes it unique and different from all other antioxidants is the fact that it only eliminates toxic and dangerous to health free radicals. Studies have shown that hydrogen significantly lowers the levels of the most dangerous to health hydroxyl radical, which is responsible for degenerative processes, tissue inflammation and the onset of severe diseases. It is known that some of the free radicals in our body are actually very good for us. We would not want to lose something valuable for the body, but the other antioxidants vitamin C, E, beta-carotene, etc. do not have the selective ability of hydrogen. They can even become pro-oxidants when bound to certain substances in the body. The selective ability of hydrogen gas makes it extremely beneficial to our cells, tissues and organs. Results from a study by Japanese Professor Hatana Gyazuki of Shitama University show that 1.5 litres of hydrogen water with a H2 concentration of 1500 ppb has the same antioxidant effect as 1407 apples / 104 carrots / 2061 bananas / 123 spinach or 10 pumpkins. The comparison is based on the antioxidant power of the beta carotene content of these fruits and vegetables.

Molecular hydrogen (H2) is a signaling molecule that acts as a central regulator. This fact greatly impresses researchers and medics. Research has shown that H2 acts as a central regulator of biochemical processes in the cell. It signals what should be produced more of and less of and thus brings the cells and our body to a state of homeostasis. It stimulates the mitochondria to produce more energy and reduces the release of lactate into the blood during exercise. This increases strength, endurance and gives a feeling of freshness and lightness. Scientists were surprised to find that H2 did not cause cells that are in homeostasis in healthy people to physiologically change. That is, if our cells don't need the hydrogen we simply exhale it.


Hydrogen is extremely safe. For the last 100 years rofessional divers have been inhaling a mixture of gases underwater where hydrogen is in much higher concentration. H2 has no toxicity. No negative side effects or accumulation in the body have been found as a result of long-term intake of large doses of H2. Hydrogen SAFETY RESEARCH on the Hydrogen SAFETY RESEARCH on the Institute for Molecular Hydrogen website/link/.


METHODS FOR RECEIVING molecular hydrogen. The volatility and small size of H2 do not allow it to be stored in any packaging. Thus, industry has begun to produce apparatus for inhaling and enriching water with H2 so that it can be absorbed immediately by the body. Hydrogen water appliances use the process of electrolysis. This process breaks down the water molecule and releases hydrogen gas, which saturates the water. Clinical studies show that hydrogen inhalation is the most effective method of conducting hydrogen therapy and it is used in the treatment and prevention of many serious diseases. On the other hand, the daily intake of the so-called hydrogen water is the most convenient and widespread method of intake of H2.



Drinking hydrogen water appears to be the most effective way to take up H2, and this has led to the development of numerous apparatuses for enriching water with H2 by electrolysis. Explained briefly: electrodes split the water molecule (H2O) into hydrogen and oxygen and the hydrogen gas released in this process saturates the water. This brings up the question of the quality of the materials used in the device. The contact of the electrodes with the water requires that they be of a certain metal of high quality so that no harmful and hazardous substances are released in the electrolysis process.

The electrodes of "GOOD" and quality hydrogen water devices are made of titanium, which is coated with several layers of 100% platinum. In addition, the most important and expensive part of the apparatus, namely the PEM membrane (Proton Exchange Membrane) is placed between the electrodes. It is made of the same materials as the electrodes - titanium with 100% platinum coating. When the water molecule breaks down, in addition to hydrogen gas, ozone (O3) is formed, which is extremely carcinogenic when taken internally. The REM membrane prevents ozone from entering the water and provides us with 100% pure and high quality hydrogen water. Indicative of the quality of the device is the amount of H2 that is released into the water. The higher the saturation of hydrogen gas, the better will be the effect on our health. It is recommended to use devices with H2 saturation above 1400 ppb (parts per billion).


The latest word in technology is Hydrogen Water Apparatus with nano electrolysis technology. They not only give us 100% pure hydrogen water, but also an optimal therapeutic effect with a maximum hydrogen gas saturation of 3500-5000 ppb (3.5-5.0 ppm).


The "WORSE" and significantly cheaper devices do not have the so important REM membrane. T. e. the water from these devices gives us something valuable (hydrogen gas) but also something dangerous to our health (ozone). Often the materials their electrodes are made of are also of questionable quality and release oxides into the water. The concentration of hydrogen gas in the water with these devices is around and below 1000 ppb (1.0 ppm). The market abounds with such devices, so review the specifications carefully before making your choice.


Don't let this mislead you - water saturated with hydrogen ions (H) is NOT RICH in hydrogen gas (H2) with a concentration of 1600 ppb. Alkaline/acid water ionizers saturate the water with negatively/positively charged hydrogen ions and do NOT enrich in hydrogen gas. Do not expect the water from these units to have the therapeutic effect of water enriched with hydrogen gas. H2MEDICAL's appliances are medically certified and feature maximum therapeutic effect as well as the highest safety rating. /see the devices/


Tyler W. LeBaron: Presents at AMMG Medical Conference Nov. 2015

MHF (now MHI) was invited to speak at the 19th Clinical Applications for Age Management Medicine, Age Management Medicine Group (AMMG), Medical conference Las Vegas Nov. 2015 for MDs to receive CMEs/CEUs. AMMG and MHF/MHI do not sell or represent hydrogen