With this warranty card H2MEDICAL Ltd, UIC 202179575, with registered office and address at
with registered office at. Varna, ul. Radost 2B, app.28, assumes the present guarantee obligations to
consumers and defines the procedure for making claims in case of defects in
the product purchased.
This warranty covers only defects occurring within the warranty period under normal use of the
the purchased product according to its intended use and in compliance with the Instructions for Use in the Manual
of the product.
Claims for incompleteness and/or defective merchantability, as well as any other visible
defects shall be made upon receipt of the product. If the product is received by courier delivery,
the buyer must make a claim for incompleteness and/or visible defects within 24 hours of
The Seller shall not be liable in the event of damage to the product during transportation to
Buyer. In such cases, the Buyer may make his claim directly to the courier with whom he
the product was delivered.
The warranty period is valid from the date of issue of the receipt and/or invoice. If payment is
H2MEDICAL LTD, EIC 202179575
9000 VARNA str. 0877 600 621, e-mail: [email protected]
made by bank transfer - from the date of the bank transfer document. If the product is leased or purchased on hire purchase - from the date of receipt of the product.

When making a claim, you must provide us with:
Valid receipt and/or invoice and warranty card together. All documents must be originals, not copies. Your warranty card must be correctly filled in with all the necessary details such as: make, model, serial number /if any/, date, stamp, signature and details of the trader or shop.
You can make your claim electronically to our email: office@h2- and [email protected] . Whenever you send us an email, please indicate your three
names, a contact telephone number and a convenient time to reach you. Please note that when
incorrect communication details are sent to you and we are unable to contact you, we are not subject to any time limit on claims.
You can only send your warranty equipment free of charge after prior
conversation and correspondence with us and after meeting the above conditions. You will receive exact
instructions on how your product should be packed and packaged, with which courier and with what description
send to us, and to which of our addresses.
We recommend that you keep the original packaging of your product, as it is best
you will be able to store it in case you need to transport it elsewhere.
Transport for equipment located outside Bulgaria to us is entirely at the expense of

Technique sent to us, at our expense, without prior conversation and with incorrect
documents will be returned to the sender at the expense of the sender/owner and with a cash on delivery for
costs incurred by us.
Attention: if you send the equipment with correct documents, but with broken warranty conditions will
you will have to pay any shipping costs that have been incurred, as well as the cost of the
diagnostics according to our Price List.
Transport of equipment located outside Bulgaria to us is NOT free of charge.
Cases where you may be refused FREE warranty service are:
- Invalid or forged documents.
- Missing documents.
- Damage due to use with unpurified tap water, water with high hardness and bad
quality. If the water in your area is chalky, you must secure your appliance
water with a suitable filtration/purification system installed upstream of the appliance.
- Appliances destroyed, damaged due to , but not limited to, natural disasters or other causes by
force majeure beyond the control of the manufacturer, importer or dealer, interference
and/or repair by unauthorized persons, unauthorized software replacement, electric shock, mechanical shock,
falling foreign objects, damage due to chemical, mechanical or other causes, vandalism or other malicious acts.
- Damage resulting from misuse, use not in accordance with the instructions of the

manufacturer or of use not for the intended purpose of the product.
- We do not warrant adapters, cables, batteries, accessories. We do not warrant LCD and
LED screens on portable appliances due to their susceptibility to mechanical shock and moisture.
Our obligations in the event of a valid claim:
- Upon receipt of the product from you and determination of whether or not your claim is valid, we will notify you of whether or not we will settle it as soon as possible, but not
no later than 1 month from receipt of the claim.
- If a valid complaint is found, we will repair the product and return it to you at our expense in
within a period not exceeding 5 working days from the date of notification to you of the validity of the claim.
of your complaint.
- The parts replaced in the repair remain with us.
- During the time the product is with us for warranty repair, we will not provide you with any other
product, but your warranty period will be extended by the number of days the product has been with us for
warranty repair, from the day it is received by us until the day it is handed over to a courier for
its return to you.
Customers may also avail of H2MEDICAL Ltd's services for out of warranty products subject to the terms and conditions set out on our website.